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f.o.a.m. is an artist run online gallery and zine publisher. Call for interdiciplinary and multi media artists to submit work covering themes for each gallery exhibition and zine. f.o.a.m. is focused on the presentation of each project, directing social conversation from featured work and furthering art history by the medium and material of the art work.




"I found f.o.a.m. in 2018 during my last year of graduate school, at California College of the Arts. Family Over All Material, so please understand we are family, here."

Christopher John Marin Jr.

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Open Call: Cut From the Same Cloth

Application Deadline: TBD

Digital Exhibition Opening: TBD


f.o.a.m. color and culture

Curated by Chris Marin and Bailey Manning

Designed by Bailey Manning


"f.o.a.m. is a zine open to all mediums and features artists bases on a theme specific for that very issue. The intention of f.o.a.m. is to provide a running place for work to exist throughout. The zine will have two ways of existing-physically and virtually. Each issue-release will coincide with an exhibition carrying a running motif. The online version of the zine opens the possibilities of featuring working artists in contemporary fields: writers, animators, videographers, as well as others working tangibly with technology.


Access is held in regards; the ability to use laptops and phones to interact with the virtual issue will allow for artists and the zine to benefit from an audience not tied down to a specific location or any other factors. Artists vary from the regions they are based out of as well as the points of view they carry. I aim for these two factors to carry throughout every issue of f.o.a.m., since the intention is to have these different ideas of work in one space, and readily available for someone to cipher.


The name f.o.a.m. came out of a conversation with my friend Mallory Kimmel. I want to help people by giving their work another form of existing while creating a network. The idea is to have a hub of musicians, artist, fashion designers, writers and so on, like the old tale of the four elements of hip-hop. I want reading to be cool, and I know if I was a kid, this would be the inception to aid me on the track of becoming a critical and creative thinker."

Christopher John Marin Jr.


Clink on f.o.a.m. color and culture cover to access digital zine.

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